Working From Home Tips and Tricks

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Most of us are not used to waking up and starting our workday in our own kitchen. Over the past month, this has become the norm for many. If this is not something you’re used to, it can be hard to get acclimated to this new normal! We have rounded up the best tips and tricks to make sure your workday is still as productive as it would be at the office.


1. Stick to your normal schedule. Set your alarm, take shower, eat breakfast, etc. all at the same time you normally would if you were headed to the office. 

2. Get dressed! It’s easy to say “I’m going to work in my pajamas all day” but this can lead to unproductiveness. If you’re dressed for bed, you might be tempted to go to bed!

3. Schedule breaks. It’s easy to work ALL day when you’re at home. This can lead to stress and exhaustion. Take your lunch break, go for a quick walk and most importantly, end your day at your normal hour. 

4. Have a dedicated workspace. If you don’t have an office, no worries. You just need a space somewhere in your house that is for working. 

5. Continue to socialize with your colleagues like you would any other workday. Schedule a call, Zoom video call, Google Hangout, etc.  Talk about work but also leave room to ask how they are doing.

6. Try to stay off of personal social media platforms. This can be really hard at home or at your workplace. Starting to scroll can be a slippery slope that you’ll want to save until after work hours.

7. Try setting boundaries with the people you live with. Make a schedule with your significant other and take turns watching the kids if that’s the case for you. 

8. A good pair of headphones will help block noise, take calls and listen to music!

9. Make sure the TV isn’t turned on. If you don’t watch TV while you’re at the office, it is a good idea not to do it at home. The fewer distraction the better!

10. Lastly, be kind to yourself and know that this won’t last forever. We are all trying to navigate these uncertain times and we aren’t perfect. Do you best and take care of yourself. We will get through this!